Pay Extra Attention to Summer Cleaning


cleaning & organizing

So, summer is finally just around the corner! An occasional boiling hot day inspires us to get ready for some boiling hot temperatures and as little clothing as possible, but also to get into the mindset of the beautiful, hot season ahead. Summer cleaning is one of the best ways to prepare for the season in question, both physically, as well as mentally. However easy to perceive summer cleaning might sound, we’ve come up with a list of things to check off the list and which will hopefully inspire you to come up with some ideas of your own.

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Use leftover cleaning supplies

No reason to spend wads of cash on new cleaning paraphernalia, seeing as how the supplies from the summer before (unless you’ve spent them all, which is highly unlikely) are still quite use-able. Even things such as lemon leftovers can help you clean stainless steel fixtures and faucets. Simply wipe a half of a lemon over the areas you want clean and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.


Sweaty hands are not only a self-based inconvenience. Whenever someone with sweaty hands (and this is quite likely to happen during summer) touches a kitchen counter surface, or the fridge, they will leave their greasy fingerprints all over the place, making your kitchen look filthy and far from sparkling. In order to avoid this inconvenience, we suggest you use a citrus-based furniture polish – not only does this polish do a great cleaning job, but it also helps ebb away future marks.


Clutter, bad as it is, is the worst during summer. Not only is it not quite a pretty sight to see, but it also renders you unable to clean all the dust and, consequently, allergens that lurk in the dark corners of your piled stuff. This is why you should get into a de-cluttering set of mind, teaching your kids to put dirty clothes in the hamper and put away their toys when they’re done playing. However, in order to avoid the clutter issues, you yourself should definitely learn to get rid of things you don’t really need. If you don’t need a usable item, give it away; if you haven’t used something and no one wants it, either donate it, or simply throw it away – there is no space for clutter, regardless of the size of your home.

Professional cleaning

While this might sound posh, bear with us. This in no way means that you have to get a regular cleaning professional (although you could, if you want to). Instead, with every season change, especially with summer, set aside a day and have a house cleaning service do a proper job of taking care of your house. While you might think that you’ve outdone yourself after each meticulous cleaning on your own, you can rest assured that you’ve doubtlessly missed a spot or two, which is a great way to provide a lucrative safe spot for many infestations, such as mold, bacteria and even bugs and rodents.

Keep an eye on specific rooms

Although home hygiene is vastly important, certain rooms such as the bathroom, the kitchen, the attic and such, are specifically prone to problem-causing, when it comes to keeping your abode clean. When the summer comes, make sure that you pay special attention to the mentioned rooms, when you’re doing your cleaning rounds.

Even though keeping your home clean is a must, throughout the year, summer is a season when you need to pay special attention. Cover all your basics, stick with this guide and make sure you’ve dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘T’. In this way, you’re looking at a pleasing, healthy summer for you and your family to enjoy!

By: Diana Smith

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