De-clutter Your Home With A Garage Sale


cleaning & organizing-home informationGet out from under the mess in your home. De-clutter your home with a garage sale.

Every now and then, it’s good therapy to have a clear out. What’s the point in hanging on to those old things cluttering up your lovely home? Make some space, and make some money at the same time. Almost everyone has a few books, CD’s, clothes, lamps, items of furniture, tools, kitchen gadgets, and so on, that have become surplus to requirement. Plan ahead and plan a garage sale or yard sale!

It can be very therapeutic to de-clutter.

Once you’ve assembled all your unwanted items, price them individually. Keep the prices simple to make multiple purchases easy to add up – it’s a good idea to have a calculator close to hand on the garage sale day, too. Find out whether your city requires that you have a license to hold the garage sale. Set a date, weekends are best, and ask around to see whether any of your neighbors would like to hold a garage sale on the same day. Bargain hunters will love a street full of sales. Perhaps some of your friends and family will have a few household items to sell too – why not have them bring any items over, and enjoy the day bartering with the crowds! You might even decide to donate some, or all, of the proceeds to a favorite local charity – make sure that you let buyers know this with a few notices around the garage sale, it may make them less likely to haggle and more inclined to purchase.

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Spread the word of your garage sale by putting brightly colored signs up around the neighborhood,

and make sure that you advertise your garage sale well in advance. Many local newspapers offer free listings, as do various websites. Lots of people scour the listings looking for sales, so be sure to mention some of the more interesting items that you will be selling, in order to attract particular buyers. Oh, and don’t forget to take your signs down after the garage sale!

Decide where the best place is to have your sale and make sure that is clear for access.

Try to arrange your garage sale in an inviting way. Organize a few tables on which to put your items, so that customers can clearly see what you have for sale. Gather toys and games together, and keep books stacked in a way that allows browsers to look through them comfortably. Hang any clothes that would benefit from being seen in their entirety, while folded clothing can be sorted in relevant piles according to size, age and such.

It’s a good idea to have access to an electrical outlet, so that customers might try any appliances before buying. Larger miscellaneous items can be spread around the area, this will hopefully entice people to walk around and view the whole garage sale, rather than just the specific things that they may be looking for.

Don’t forget to make sure that you have enough change and smaller bills. There is always someone who wants to pay for that that $1 ornament with a twenty dollar bill. It’s worth keeping some old plastic or paper bags aside for those customers who ask for them. It seems an unfortunate note to add, but do make sure that you have a safe place for your takings; not all visitors to your garage sale may be as honest as you would like them to be. Similarly, keep the more valuable items close to hand where you can keep an eye on them.

Following your garage sale, you may decide to donate any remaining items to a local thrift store or pass them on to friends for their own sales. But no matter what happens, most of all, have a great time!

Try to arrange your garage sale in an inviting way. Organize a few tables on which to put your items, so that customers can clearly see what you have for sale. Gather toys and games together, and keep books stacked in a way that allows browsers to look through them comfortably.

By: Lauren Spencer

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Here is a funny video series about garage sales staring Phyllis Diller. Lots of good Info and Comedy. Enjoy!

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