Here is your new house move-in maintenance checklist
You packed and you labeled the boxes and you did everything that needs to be done to move out of your old house. However, all that you’ve actually done with the new house is that you signed the lease or bought it. But that is just the beginning. In order to move in a new house, there are a lot of steps to be taken. It is not so difficult, but it requires a little bit of organization and just a little bit of planning. Here are the things you should do when you move into a new house.
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You can never tell if the place has vermin or not just by the first look of it. People will do everything they can to cover that up if you are buying or renting their place. You should look behind the fridge and in the kitchen cabinets, under the sink and all the hard to reach places. Dirt like dark spots are excrement of various vermin and they are a sure sign that the home is infested. If you want to make sure, then you should definitely hire professionals to terminate them or simply to check for their presence. This is especially important if you have a baby on board.
Windows, doors, kitchen cabinets, and even some of the furniture should be repainted. This can take a while, but once it is done, you will have that amazing feeling of entering the new home that is entirely fresh and completely renovated. The walls need a new fresh coat of paint on them as well. This is how you can make a fresh start and use the colors that you always wanted but just never had the time or the opportunity to use them. It can make the whole moving in thing far more exciting and interesting since it can really be very stressful and tiring.
Electricity and Pipes
Another thing to definitely check on are the wires and the pipes. Clogged pipes can cause a lot of problems, but burst pipes are the worst. You can spot them by the wet patches on the floor, mold on the tiles and you can see that something is wrong with the pipes if there are yellow streaks underneath the faucets and other places. They come from the water leakage that needs to be fixed. Electricity is even more dangerous if the wires are not well. Fuses that go off to often and lights the blink or burn up are a sign of short circuits and they definitely need to be fixed as they can cause fire in the worst case scenarios. Therefore, hiring a professional for a quick check of these things is a smart and good investment.
Cleaning and Trash
Once you are in your new house, it is time to make it clean. Of course, there is an option of hiring somebody else to do it, but if you want to do it yourself, that is fine as well, because you will have the chance to look into every little corner of the home in that way and get acquainted with the house. Also, if you are up to that, make sure that all the things needed for cleaning your home are at one place so you don’t run around looking for them and spreading the water and the dirt all over the place. Also, before you start anything, make sure that you have located the nearest trash disposal unit and that you have your trash bags. This is an excellent opportunity to throw out everything that you don’t really need and get rid of that clutter that you’ve been dragging with you. One big rubbish removal will make your life a lot lighter and moving into the new place is just the moment to do it.
Once the rubbish is out, the walls are painted, the furniture arranged and the boxes unpacked, it is time to make some nice cookies, let their smell spread around and knock on some doors, sharing the cookies and making new friends with the neighborhood. Only then can you tell that you have finally moved to your new house.
By: Diana Smith
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