10 Decor Ideas That Will Knock The Socks Off Your New Home


decorating & furnishings

Interior decor made easy for your new home

Moving into a new home is a fantastic experience; the excitement of the move, the possibilities of the area and, most importantly the house combine to make you feel euphoric! However, a house can often feel like a house not a home until you place your own stamp on it. Decorating it to your own tastes gives you a comfortable, welcoming environment, no matter what else is going on in your life! Use the follow décor ideas to really give your home that wow factor!

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1. Paint
Choose your paint last! This may seem bizarre, but paint is the easiest color to match to your other choices in a room. You can even have a custom color mixed if required! You will feel much freer to pick your favorite furniture if you do not need to worry about the color!

2. Furniture
It can be tempting to fill every available corner with a piece of furniture, something else you have fallen in love with or feel you need for your home. However, this is a time when less is more. A few, well chosen pieces of furniture can prevent the room from feeling overcrowded and create a spacious, welcoming atmosphere. The furniture you have chosen will catch people’s attention more than a crowded space where you don’t know where to look first.

3. Art
Pictures must be hung at eye level. This should be the case even if you have really tall; or short rooms. The artwork is there to brighten walls and provide an attractive backdrop. This is most effectively achieved when the pictures are at eye level.

4. Rugs
A rug can add warmth to a room and look good, especially against a plain floor. There are three ways to position a rug:
• Keep your furniture on the rug, preferably central.
• Central to all the seating in a room, such as your living room. No piece of furniture should be on the rug although it should look like it could touch any of them.
• Front feet of your furniture on the rug only. The rug should be a similar size to the piece of furniture and fill the space in front effectively.

5. Themes
It can be very tempting to decorate your room with the latest theme or your favorite theme. However, these will generally be expensive to establish, quickly become dated and you will need to replace it all. Instead keep your furniture neutral and allow your personality to shine through the accessories.

6. Focus
The best designed rooms have one focal point, something that draws the eye and dominates the room. It is a talking point and a personal statement.

7. Sight Lines
It is very important to think about what will be the first thing you see when you enter any room. You either wish to draw a visitor’s eyes to a certain focal point or to ensure they have the illusion of space. Designer curtains have a huge impact. Choose curtains with vertical stripes if you want to add height, or decide on a bold color if the room is too bright. Warm shades of burgundy are ideal in a living area that’s monochromatic.

8. Scale
One of the most important things to remember when you are shopping is that no matter how good it looks in the store it may not look the same at home. Stores are usually massive places which dwarf furniture. Your home may be dwarfed by the furniture! One over-sized piece can draw your attention to a few smaller pieces; two over-sized pieces are too much!

9. Lighting
The lighter and brighter your room the more appealing it is and the nicer it feels spending time in it. However, windows are not always enough, corner lights, under cupboard lights and art lights all brighten and warm a room effectively.

10. Boldness
Finally, don’t forget that this is your space! Be bold, choose the things that you like, it is you that needs to live here and you want your home to reflect your personality. You may be surprised at how good your vision can look when you put your imagination to work.

By: Edward Francis

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