Redoing the Garage Into a Man Cave


decorating & furnishings

Now and then, men feel the need to go out and seek their own desolation.Now, those less fortunate have to go in search for a place that would allow them such a thing, while some may enjoy this in the comfort of your own home. This man cave, this fortress of solitude, doesn’t take much space or effort, however the sole idea of having your own private little sanctuary is always welcome. As for the location, your garage is simply ideal for such project and here are few tips of redoing the garage in order to transform it into a genuine man cave.

You Work With What You Have
Now, you may want a room that seems like something you would normally see on MTV Cribs, but in reality, this is not always doable. The most important thing is for you to realize that this room doesn’t require some incredible investments in order to satisfy all your needs. Namely, you work with what you got. This however, requires of you to start with two things, first one is coming up with a viable plan and second one is setting a realistic budget. By doing these steps properly you will already be well on your way towards making a perfect getaway.

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First thing first, what every good man cave requires is a solid bar. This is something that most men believe to be dream come true. However, some are reluctant to this idea, believing that a proper bar costs too much. Well first, you can never put a price tag on a dream and second, if you don’t have enough money to buy a bar, why not make one? You can do that easily with the material of your choice, and your safest option being wooden pallets. After this is done, you need to properly supply it with stocks of your beverage of choice and even add a trusted coffee machine to the mix.

Adding Some Entertainment
Sure, most of the time you will be alone in your man cave but every now and then you will have your crew over. Now, you already got the booze so now all that needs to be provided is some entertainment and here TV is an absolute must. Why bother with all of this work if you will be forced to watch your Super Bowl in the living room while your wife nags you to switch to her favorite reality show. With this in mind, TV must be as impressive as possible. We are of course speaking about a device magnificent in size and of unparalleled quality of picture. Even getting a curved TV might not be a bad idea. Finally, there are also some other, more traditional, forms of entertainment you can go for like getting a pool or a soccer table.

As you can see, none of these renovations are complicated; you just need a bit of effort and time. The most important thing is that you have enough will and determination to see it all through. Still, regardless of how hard you had to try to make it all come through; any sacrifice on your side will be more than worth it when taken into consideration the end result.

By: Derek Lotts

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