Fun Faux Painted Wall for Master Bedroom


Master Bedroom  Stage 3

Faux painting brings a lot of decoration to a small space and can be an excellent way to create an accent wall in any room. Here is how we did just that in our master bedroom.

In our last article about the master bedroom, which you can read here if you missed it; Removing 1950’s Build-In Dressers; we removed the old built-in dressers from the walls, patched the spaces and prepared them for this project.

In picture #1; below you can see the old dressers and how we did not have any space to place our bed in the room except in front of our window.

faux painted wall

Picture #1: Old 1950’s Built-in Dressers

We have completed faux painting for many clients and in our past homes, therefore we knew we could create a beautiful accent wall with just extra paint we all ready had in our storage room. We always keep a quart size can of any paints we use just for this purpose. We have about 30 different shade and tones of different earth based colors. For this project we used a light almond color, a medium goldish bronze color, and a medium coco brown color.  When we moved in the house a few years ago we originally painted the walls a yellowish color. This is what we used for the base color to start this project. That is the color you can see in picture #2.

Picture #2: After removal of dressers and wall pathced up and painted

In picture #3 you can see the faux glaze that we always use from Behr paints from Home Depot. This galloon cost just under $30, which we only a little more then a quart.

The technique that we used on this project is our form of ragging. We start by mixing 1 cup of faux glaze with ½ cup of paint.

Make sure to have a large bucket of clean water so you can keep everything clean as you work. Also make sure to wear rubber gloves, this technique is very messy. Cover all work surfaces with drop clothes.

We use a small bucket to mix our glazes. Next, we use a simple 12 inch x 12 inch lint free white rag. We first put the rag in the water and the ring it out to help it be able to absorb the glaze. Now we just soak the rag in the glaze and rig out enough glaze so it is not dripping. Un-bunch the rag and in alternating motions dab the rag on to the wall. Keep re-arranging the rag so the pattern you are applying keeps changing. This is much easier to do then it is to explain. You are not trying to cover every inch of wall space. The effect of this faux technique comes from seeing the previous color show through in different areas.

After you have covered the surface with your first color, clean out the bucket and rag. You only need to wait about 15 minutes between coats. For the effect that we were going for we started with the lightest color, then our medium color, next the darkest color and lastly a light coat of the first color again.

Picture #3:Behr Paints, From Home Depot: Faux Paint Glaze

Here in picture #4 you can see that the first color, which is a light almond color, we wanted to tone down the yellow base color before starting to apply contrasting darker tones.

Picture #4: First faux coating

In picture #5 we used the same mix as step #1 but with mixture of ¼ cup of the light almond color and ¼ cup of our medium goldish bronze color.

faux painted wall

Picture #5: Second faux coating

In picture #6; this is the results after our third application of glaze mix using the medium goldish color in full strength. You can see we are starting to get a good mix of color tones.

faux painted wall

Picture #6: Third faux coating

Picture #7 is thee final results after the darkest color, which we used a medium coco brown color to add to the glaze mix.

faux painted wall

Picture #7: Fourth faux coating

Finally in picture # 8 you can see we went back to the first color, the light almond paint glaze mix and we applied a light cover to slightly tone down the dark color. For your project you can choose to stop or add more layers at any point to acquire the specific look you like.

Picture #8: Fitth and final faux coating finished

In this last picture you can see how just a little bite of spare paint, a can of faux mix, experimenting with your technique, and lots of clean water for clean-up can create a beautiful accent wall. This project took us less then 3 hours total including clean-up and cost only $30. Because you use so little paint you could purchase the little test bottles of paint and use them. One trick that works great for good color combinations is to stick with 1 paint chart. Pick the first color, the middle color and the darkest color off the chart.

Picture #9: New beautiful wall space for the bed; Not in front of a window.

We hope you are enjoying the transformation our bedroom with us. In our next article we will be building a new headboard and acquiring some new bedding.

To See The Rest Of Our Corliss Home Projects: Click Here!

by: Tom Corliss

home improvement ideas-home renovations About Tom Corliss
Tom Corliss is a web publisher, internet marketer, and website developer, with 3 current websites, Home Information, Home Selling, and He also runs a home improvement company Corliss Property Enhancements.

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