Home maintenance will save you money in the long run
This is a four part series outlining the home maintenance you should be completing during each season around the home to ensure that you do not have expensive problems come up. It is always cheaper and easier to keep up on your homes maintenance then to have to repair something that breaks because of lack of maintenance. Spring Maintenance Checklist:
Clean out gutters and inspect for any damage from winter
Remove or open storm windows
Pick up any debris from winter time
Change the batteries in all smoke/fire/carbon monoxide detectors
Touch up any exterior paint that is worn out
Look for any visible roof damage from winter
Check condition of all window screens. Clean or repair if needed
Change the filters in any water treatment equipment
Turn the water on to your landscape watering system and check operation
Check for any wood rot on windows, decks, porches, doors
Check the caulking around all sinks, tubs, showers and any other water area
Check the operation of the air conditioners
Fertilize Lawn
There will be some different items with each individual home and situation. It is best to take your time and look for anything that does not look right. If you do not feel comfortable handling some of these items hire a handyman. They will charge you by the project or if you wish for them to do a complete check it will run about $125.
We have many more articles to help you perform all of your home maintenance projects. Check them out.