Wooden Garden Sheds Can Be an Attractive Asset to Your Yard


garages, sheds, & out buildings-home information

Sheds are for more then just yard equipment storage

Wooden garden sheds can provide valuable storage space for your lawn and garden tools. While some people use their shed only for garden stuff, others will store items like tractors and lawn mowers, however, some will use their sheds as a place to start and re-pot plants. Some people build a shed as sort of a room separate from the main house where they can go to relax with some peace and quiet.

Why are wooden garden sheds so popular?

Wooden garden sheds allow an aesthetic pleasing appearance that is difficult to achieve with sheds made with other materials It is strongly recommended that you use pressure treated lumber to construct the frame of your shed as it will protect against attack by termites and other insects. In addition to pressure treated lumber another popular choice is cedar which has a nice visual appearance and a very pleasant aroma.

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Building a wood shed rather than one made of plastic or metal only requires a few basic tools to put it together.

To Buy or To Build

There are really only two choices. The two possibilities are to purchase a pre-assembled shed which will be erected on your site or you can build a shed from materials available from the lumber yard.

If you decide you want a pre-assembled shed you’ll find many selections which vary in design, size, and shape. There’s a shed size for every purpose and you will have no trouble finding a design that fits your situation perfectly.

There are also two choices if you choose to erect your own shed. Some people prefer to buy the materials from a lumber yard and build their shed from detailed plans while others would rather buy a kit and assemble it on their site. If you are somewhat experienced with building projects with lumber you may wish to construct your shed yourself which will allow you to make custom modifications. If you think that your carpentry skills aren’t up to the task you may wish to buy a kit that has all the parts pre-cut.

If you decide that you would like to buy your material and construct your shed you’ll need a good set of plans that describe how to put everything together. Plans for wooden garden sources are available from several sources which include books, magazines, the internet and your local library. If you have access to the internet you’ll be able to track down many different types of shed designs.

The shed plan you buy should not only show you precisely how to put your shed together but it should give you a list of all the materials you’ll need for the project.

Getting Started

One important factor you’ll need to consider, whether you build a shed or buy one ready made, is what items do you plan to store in it. If all you want is a place to store your gardening tools, you don’t need anything big. If you are planning to store a variety of items in your shed including lawn equipment, RVs, a workshop, and a tractor then you will require a larger amount of floor area.

Once you’ve decided your shed size your next step will be to determine what kind of foundation and shed roof design you want. And lastly, your shed should be build in such a way that it will be able to hold up under all weather conditions that could happen in your area.

If you’re thinking about adding a shed to your garden area there are some factors you will need to consider before you start. We discuss some of them in this article.

You’ll find lot of helpful information about wooden garden sheds at www.ShedPlansInstantly.com where you can download my popular FREE 10 Day Mini-Course titled “Ten Essential Secrets of Shed Building”. Your first lesson will be delivered instantly.wooden garden sheds

By: Brad Erickson

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