How to Get Started in Vegetable Gardening


 vegetable, herb, & container gardening home informationVegetable gardening is one step to a healthier lifestyle

Vegetable gardening is easier than you think.

If you’re a beginner, then you should start off with a plot no larger than 10′ by 10′. A plot 6′ by 6′ in size is a good bet; you’ll be surprised at how much you will get out of this small patch of dirt. If you don’t have space, be imaginative and shape your garden plot to fit your yard. You can use any shape you want, just make sure that the location you will choose has a lot of sunlight.

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Take your time when planning your garden plot. You should measure the space wherein you want to plant and if you can, make a scale map. With this, you can easily calculate how much gardening soil you are required to put in and how many vegetables you can plant. It’s also best if you sketch out where you plan to plant each vegetable.

When making the garden plot, you should consider making raised beds. This will allow the soil to become much looser thus making more air and water to get in the roots of the plants. Raised beds are not as difficult to build as you may think. You can use old lumber from old crates or fence panels to create a simple box frame that you will fill with gardening soil.

Now regarding what vegetables you’ll be planting, you should consult with your local nursery. They’re the authority when it comes to knowing what kinds of vegetables grow best in your area’s climate, and they also know what vegetables to plant for current the season. You can choose to buy either seeds or ready-to-plant seedlings. It is recommended though that you use seedlings if you’re a novice at vegetable gardening. You should also ask the nursery staff to help you pick out gardening soil and compost mix you’ll be using.

Now, over to preparing the ground for planting, using a shovel or a gardening hoe, break up the ground soil before pouring in the gardening soil and compost mix. You should till the soil to a depth of at least 8 inches, but you should go as deep as a foot if you’re planning on planting tomatoes. Use your hands to break up large clumps of dirt and throw away any stones and twigs you may find.

After you have planted your first crops, you should water your new garden plot. If you’re using seeds, be careful not to use too much water as you may wash the seeds away. Regularly water your garden; adjust the amount of water you’re using depending on the weather in your area. It’s best that you employ a rain gauge to see if your plants still need water after a rain shower.

After this the only things you need to do is wait until your veggies are ready to pick. Be prepared to experience a bit of failure; it’s only natural especially for someone who’s just started vegetable gardening. But in the end, the rewards you will get from all your hard work will be worth it.

Vegetable gardening is easier than you think. If you’re a beginner, then you should start off with a plot no larger than 10 by 10 feet. A plot 6′ by 6′ in size is a good bet; you’ll be surprised at how much you will get out of this small patch of dirt. If you don’t have space, be creative and shape your garden plot to fit your yard. You can use any shape you want, just make sure that the location you will choose has a lot of sunlight.

By: Norman Kirby

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