Here is a full 12 month garden calendar to help you organize your gardening task
Here is a basic garden calendar of the essential jobs you need to do each month to ensure your garden is both attractive and productive. Depending on how far north or south you live, you may need to vary this calendar one way or the other by a week or two.
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• Plan your garden layout and jobs for the year and order seeds and plants
• Prune fruit trees and soft fruit bushes
• Plant out onion sets and garlic
• Clean decking, terraces and paths
• Cut back shrubbery
• Sow annual flowers and early vegetables in the greenhouse
• Give your shed a spring clean to ensure everything is in order for the new gardening year
• If there is no snow or frost, give your lawn its first cut of the year with the blades on a high setting
• Plant out early potatoes
• Sow hardy annual flowers outdoors
• Spread mulch on flower beds and around trees and bushes
• Sow tender plants in greenhouse or conservatory
• Apply spring feed and moss killer to lawns
• Clean down your garden furniture and barbecue ready for use
• Protect fruit bushes from birds
• Earth up rows of potatoes
• Sow beans and courgettes outdoors
• Your lawn mower blades can be lowered for a closer cut now
• Protect plants from slugs, snails and greenfly
• Plant out tender bedding plants
• If the weather is dry, keep your containers and hanging baskets well watered
• Harvest first early garden potatoes and salad crops
• By now your vegetables should be thriving and your flowers and shrubs alive with color. Keep them that way with regular watering and weeding
• Harvest your first beans, brassicas and greenhouse tomatoes
• Remove dead heads from blooms to encourage further flowering
• Keep watering and weeding as necessary
• Enjoy the main harvest of your spring plantings
• Lift and dry onions and garlic
• This is a good time of year to trim your hedges
• Divide and replant your larger flowering perennial plants
• Aerate, repair and feed your lawn
• Lift and store main crop potatoes, squash and pumpkins
• Plant spring-flowering bulbs
• Remove dead foliage and rake up fallen leaves
• If you do not already have one, buy or construct a compost bin
• Double dig vegetable beds and apply manure or other organic fertilizer
• Give all your tools a good cleaning and oiling before storing for the winter
• Plant out any new shrubs and trees you require for next year
• Give your greenhouse a thorough cleaning and remove and replace the used compost
• Invest in a water butt or two to collect rainwater as it runs off your shed and greenhouse
• Apply manure around fruit trees
• Plant out new fruit bushes
• Protect containers housing your prized perennials from frost with horticultural fleece
• Cover vegetable garden beds with horticultural sheeting to suppress weeds and warm up the soil for spring seeds planting.
By: Graeme K
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