The Microwave Oven has transformed how we re-heat and cook many foods in todays homes
Since the discovery of the microwave oven, many people, including scientists question their safety. Microwave ovens were actually discovered accidentally. Engineer Percy Spencer found this out by mistake when he was working in a lab building radar equipment. He found that while building magnetrons, food would heat up more rapidly. Then, he tested his theory out and found that microwave ovens worked well for popping popcorn among many other things. It was not long before the idea of TV Dinners became a popular craze to sweep the nation.
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One popular myth that many people believe is that microwave ovens actually cook food from the inside out.
This has been proven untrue time and time again. In fact, the actual way a microwave oven works is starting with the outside. A microwave oven excites water molecules, transferring heat from the outer layers to the inside. If you use too large of a piece of meat, then a microwave oven will not cook it effectively.
Another popular myth that many believe is that metal will become extremely hot when placed in a microwave. This is actually not true, and merely a myth. Although metals do reflect microwaves, it is not due to them becoming overly hot in the microwave oven. The sparks you see when heating up foil or metal in the microwave are simply arcs because of this reflection. It is not recommended that food be heated up in metal pans due to the dramatic sparks that will appear if using a microwave.
A fact regarding microwaves is that they are exceptionally energy efficient. Less energy is used to heat up food in a microwave, when compared to a traditional oven. Also, the energy of a microwave oven tends to focus on the food directly, rather than the containers that the food is in to cook. It is estimated that up to 80% energy can be saved when reheating food in a microwave as oppose to a traditional oven.
Another concern that many have is the question about if you can heat oil in the microwave. This is actually a fact, and it is not a good idea to heat any type of oil in the microwave oven. The reason behind this is because the molecules actually lack water. If you are attempting to thaw out frozen butter in a microwave, you will be face with a problem because butter is mostly oil. One other fact is that it is rather unsafe to boil water in the microwave. It is possible that the water can become extremely hot and even explode, or break the container it is being boiled in. The safest way to boil water is traditionally, on the stove top.
People also tend to argue about if it is okay to heat up food in plastic containers in a microwave. Surprisingly, this is actually a dangerous practice, and should be avoided. There is a reason there are microwave-safe dishes. When plastic is heated in a microwave, it can release a chemical called Bisphenol A, which has proven to be dangerous or even toxic in animals. Bisphenol A is noted to cause damage to the neurological system of the animals that were tested. So next time you pop that plastic container into the microwave, remember, it is not a myth; plastic really is dangerous in the microwave oven.
For the most part, cooking food in a microwave oven is safe, quick, and effective. As long as you follow the safety precautions above, microwave ovens are harmless.
Chris Kauffman is an expert when it comes to appliance parts. To find out more about lawn and garden parts, go to SearsHomeServices.com.
By: Theresa Walter
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