The garden plants in your design will define your landscape space
Are you looking to create a garden oasis that will instantly transport your mind to a relaxed tropical island? A tiki garden might be just the thing to add an interesting touch to your garden.
The plants that you include in your tiki garden will have a huge effect on the overall atmosphere. To keep the garden true to the South Pacific, you are going to need to look into quite a few different species of plant, as the tiki garden should have an exotic and somewhat wild appearance. Some good starters include hibiscus, bird of paradise, orchids, and heliconia.
Tropical hibiscus is a flowering bush. The flowers of the hibiscus are what many of us consider to be the traditional “Hawaiian flower” and are available in a multitude of colors. The hibiscus flower has rounded petals that often sport a slightly ruffled texture towards the outward tips. The inner portion of the flower either darkens or lightens in color depending on the species. This plant should receive at least 12 hours of direct sunlight and requires mild winters in order to survive outdoors. The tropical hibiscus is somewhat intolerant to excessive water so try not to over-water the plant.
The bird of paradise flower is aptly named such because its brightly colored blue, orange, and yellow petals look very similar to an exotic bird. This is a large plant that averages around five feet tall once fully mature, so it will need plenty of room to grow. It should also be planted in a raised location to prevent the soil from accumulating too much water.
Orchids are a wonderful addition to any tiki garden. They are exotic yet graceful and classy in appearance. You will be spoiled for choice between species, as they vary in shape, color, and even texture. Some orchid plants grow close to the ground while others can grow quite tall. Bear in mind that the shorter variety are more likely to be found in a tropical environment. Orchids can be a bit tricky to grow from seeds, but you can easily purchase “already started” orchids from a local garden nursery that you simply transplant into the ground or a pot.
Heliconia is a gorgeous fiery plant that grows on a long stalk to a height of anywhere from five to twenty feet. It is nicknamed “lobster claw” because the rows of flowers look strikingly similar to a lobster’s claw. You can choose from a variety of sizes, such as medium-sized or tall bushes, depending on your garden’s needs. The heliconia plant does require well-drained soil, so try not to plant it in a spot where water can collect. Allow the soil to dry a bit between watering.
The organization of these plants is completely up to you. They all offer a range of colors, sizes, and textures that can be strategically placed around your garden, or in a more free-form array. Those in tropical regions can plant these varieties outdoors, while those in cooler climates can create a garden in flower pots.
Are you looking to create a garden oasis that will instantly transport your mind to a relaxed tropical island A tiki garden might be just the thing to add an interesting touch to your garden
Try some of these beautiful tiki garden plants today to bring some color and versatility to your garden.
Royal Tiki’s beautiful range of Tiki Totems are hand-carved on the Hawaiian island of O’ahu. Also check for current specials on a Tiki statue for your Tiki bar