Don’t be unprepared for the stormy time of the year. Preparing a home emergency kit is easier then you think
Even though the phrase,“Always Be Prepared”, may be a slogan for your local Boy Scouts, it is not an action that most people follow. I have had to go through many different periods with my family when we where not prepared ourselves after power was lost for a long period of time. It ended up being a miserable experience and costly also.
Now I have done a lot of research on this subject and put together what I believe will help many people be able to weather through this time much smoother and safer by assembling an Emergency Kit for your family.
Know your Information:
Put together a list of all important people’s name and phone numbers and have the in a sealed freezer bag to put in your emergency kit.
Have a plan for your home that you go through with every member of the family which includes where the emergency items are kept and how to use them, An escape plan for a fire or other disaster that removes you from the house.
Know where the safest zone is in your home for the type of emergency that is happening.
Emergency Kit:
2 flashlights with back-up batteries
1 emergency lantern with fuel
4 long lasting emergency candles
2 lighter wands
1 or 2 blankets, depending on family size
1 medium weight jacket for each family member
Multipurpose Tool like a “Leather-man Tool”
A manual can opener, good quality
Whistle to signal for help
Dust mask for each person
$100 in cash, smaller bills
Cell phone with charger
Box of garbage bags
Personal hygiene supplies
Disposable eating supplies
Baby and child care needs
Entertainment items for your whole family
Well stocked first aid kit
Soap and hand sterilizer
Food Items:
You will need to store enough water for 1 gallon per person for 3 days.
Canned meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables
Peanut butter
Dried fruits
Dry cereal
Powered milk
Protein and fruit bars
There are many different kinds of emergencies that can occur, this article is aimed at people suffering from a power outage or moderate storm interruption. There are many other things you will need to know for a major storm or prolonged power outages. Preparing a home emergency kit is based on helping you through a 72 hours period.