Living Room’s Dead Corners: Figure Out How You Can Utilize Dead Spaces


decorating & furnishings

Interior design is something that everyone has to attempt. Living rooms, in particular can be difficult to decorate. Often the room is focused on a central point such as a TV or a fireplace, the settee is the main feature and can take up most of the space. In fact, much of the space that is left is easily occupied with one or two pieces of wall furniture. However, there is always an awkward corners; a space that never looks quite right or even one that is wasted. Here is the best ways to make the most of these dead corners:

Weird windows

If you have an architect’s delight as your window is surrounded by an impressive facade or set in an awkward position. To solve this issue you must include the window in your décor; visualize it as a picture on the wall and arrange your other items around it; the effect will be stunning. The same is true if you have a space created by pillars or odd shape walls, carefully constructed shelving can make the area come alive.


Almost every house has a nook or cranny which seems to serve little purpose. One of the best ways to deal with these is to find a piece of furniture, or an accessory which will fill the nook.  There should be just a tiny gap on each side to maximize the effect. You can also paint the nook to create a feature effect and even use it for a small work-space or similar.

Door space

If your door is located in the center of you room then you will have a space behind the door which can be difficult to fill. The best way to deal with these is to place a piece of furniture behind the door, using the space as though it was a solid wall. The door will never be able to open more than ninety degrees, but this is sufficient! It will also allow you to make the most of your available space.

Window to wall

If you have a living room where the gap between the window and the wall does not seem big enough to handle any piece of furniture the best solution is to utilize the whole area around the corner space by situating a comfy chair or even a storage box away from the wall.

Big walls

Sometimes even the biggest piece of furniture can be too small for the long empty wall in your sitting room. This can be particularly frustrating if you are fond of the piece of furniture. To solve this issue without finding a bigger piece of furniture, you can place your current piece in the center. Then build up the space on each side of the item with smaller pieces of furniture, keeping both sides symmetrical; this will stretch the image and give the sensation that the entire space is filled by one piece.


If you have an open staircase you may well find a small nook which has not been converted into a cupboard and should be useful for something. Try placing an easy chair and a few ornaments that you can’t find homes for elsewhere. It will not only be a feature corner, it can be a place to try out new ideas!

By: Edward Francis

edward francis author boxWatch this video for for corner decorating ideas:

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