The Best Ways To Use Family Photos To Re-decorate


home decorating & furnishings-information guru

Family Photos Can Add Great Warm To Your Home Decor

Treasured memories are enhanced when you decorate your home using your favorite pictures and family photos. A lovely photograph that is carefully framed in the ideal picture frame, creatively and properly hung, and viewed in the correct light can be an inviting and decorative addition to your home. Hanging pictures on the walls enables you to reveal who you are and convey the story of your life.

Make all who enter your home feel cozy and welcome when you decorate with creatively styled and exhibited photographs full of memories and love. Since we live in a visual culture, take your treasured memories and display them on the walls rather than photo albums or scrapbook albums. Not only will your house look lovely, but your family members will also be able to enjoy the photos every day.

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In this article, you will discover some ideas on techniques to decorate by using family photographs, be it common, traditional, or modern styles…

Why don’t you make your favorite cherished family picture the center of your room; a focal point? Increase the size of photographs to, say, 30″ x 40″, put them in lovely large picture frames and hang them in a notable place, such as above a fireplace. When anybody enters the room, including your guests, the focus is automatically drawn to the photo just as it would be to a piece of art.

Cherished photographs are not always pictures of family members; they may be images captured by different family members during different activities, like travels to various places. You can increase the size of these pictures, frame them drastically, and hang them  in your dining room.

Take treasured framed photographs and display them in a unique way that will draw attention to them, for example on a simple plate rack installed on the wall.

Halls have been a traditional place to hang family photographs. You will be able to display photos of many generations in this way. Use non-traditional matting, perhaps with a square opening and off-center. A basic picture frame for each one allows the photos themselves to tell a story. If you include dramatic lighting, the subject matter will come over as being more dramatic.

It’s easy to forget that photos can be hung anywhere and not only on a wall. Use ribbon, string, or even a chain to hang a picture frame from a peg rack in an entryway, a coat rack, pegged wainscoting, or the front side of a closet door.

While displaying family pictures can be a form of art, that does not mean that it is a difficult task. Try applying a few different techniques for framing numerous photos, and then show them in various ways such as on a wall and on a shelf. You may overlap the pictures on the shelf in an attractive manner, and incorporate other knick knacks that are associated with the content of the photos.

The kitchen always winds up being the gathering place when guests are in your home, right? So what about using the kitchen as an area to display photos of your family? Fill nooks and crannies with pictures of your family gatherings, outings with friends, or whatever event you want to recollect; it’ll make the kitchen area even more loved as the heart of the home.

Give some of these ideas a try and make your home warm and full of memories for you, your family, friends, and other loved ones to share and cherish.

Come check out our extensive selection of silver metal picture frames in many different sizes and shapes. Visit us online and see our cool photo frames now or give us a call at 800-780-0699.

By: Autumn Lockwood

Learn more about decorating with family photos in this video:

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