Preparations For The Home When Caring For Aging Parents


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With the costs associated with various assisted living communities and retirement facilities it is becoming unfeasible to consider this option for many seniors. There is a rise of seniors aging in place, continuing to live within their homes with modifications, and moving in with their adult children to care for them. With this rise in at home care there are certain adjustments to the home that need to be made to ensure the safety of elderly parents.

Whether you are moving your parents in to your home or they are staying in theirs things to consider change as they grow even older. At first it might not be apparent that an adjustment in how they enter and exit the home is needed. However as they age and their needs change it is possible that the entrance will need to be equipped with a handicap accessible ramp. These ramps can be temporary or permanent and come in a variety of materials. You can purchase custom aluminum wheelchair ramps or have a custom built wooden handicap ramp installed. Handicap ramps allow seniors ease of access whether on foot, using a walker, cane or in a wheelchair.

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Another area of great concern for aging parents is the bathroom area. Privacy is still a large concern for them and this space should allow for independent ease of access. There are several ways to update accessibility in a bathroom wither permanent or temporary. If you are looking to make permanent changes a barrier free shower with a seating area is a wonderful upgrade. Another upgrade that needs to be made is the use of grab bars and safety rails. It is also important to install a raised toilet or raised seat over the toilet. Getting up from a seated position is difficult as we age. Remember space around the sink needs to be easily accessed as well.

If an aging parent is moving into your home consider it is imperative to set up a space for them to escape to. Remember aging does not come easily for them either. They have become set in their ways and adjusted to quiet and personal space; moving in with an adult child was not what they had planned either. Turn a larger room in the home into a bedroom area with seating, a television, phone and possibly a small refrigerator. This way when they are ready to retreat they are able to.

It is important to make sure the home is as free of hazards as possible. Mobility issues become ever more visible as we age. Throw rugs and rough transitions can all turn into tripping dangers. This is even truer if a walker is in use within the home.

Aging in place is an incredibly common option in elder care nowadays. If you know this is what you are hoping for when it comes to your loved ones consider guiding their home renovations in this direction as they begin to age within their own homes. The same will be true within your own space. If you know a parent living with you is in the cards eventually it is best to make the small changes and upgrade gradually as you are renovation currently.

Barrier free home renovations are a valuable when it comes to the resale value of a home as well. The accommodations that can be made within the space are incredible and can be done without bring attention to the fact they are being done for elder care. Age in place modifications can be done in a sleek, custom manner that prevents the home from looking as if it is a care facility. It is amazing what a licensed professional in barrier free remodeling can do to transform your accommodations for elder care.

by: Kevin Germain

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