How to Live Life on Pennies a Day by Learning the Art of Frugality


thrifty and frugal-home informationFrugality is not just a way from the long ago past!

Enjoying a comfortable life today can be extremely hard, especially when you make your home in the United States. It seems like you must have a six figure income just to survive. I’m here to explain it does not require that much income to live. You can have a great life on a lower budget. Pay attention to these tips and you can learn the techniques of frugality.

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You might want to do more and more of your shopping by using the Internet. Some people don’t know it, but there are some great sales on many of the merchandise sites. Some of them will ship the items for free or at a very low cost. Another excellent reason for shopping this way is you can stay home (avoid crowded stores and you save gas money, too).

Avoid buying brand name items just for the name. In most cases, you may find superior quality items that are off-brands. An important aspect of frugality is knowing how to find valid data about products so you can get the most return for every dollar. I’m not suggesting you should go out and buy the lowest priced product you see. Sometimes, the brand name product IS the greatest value. You need to ‘do your homework’ to figure out the ideal choice to make.

Do your best to stop paying interest. I’m sure you know that major debt is bad. Of course, the main reason debt isn’t good is because of interest. These extra payments cause you to pay more for products than their true value. Therefore, you should only buy what you can afford to pay for. If you have a great deal of debt, you have to reduce it steadily until it is completely gone. When practicing the art of frugality, interest payments are your biggest foe.

Practically every city and town in the United States has several free things you can partake in. The local libraries are full of media and books you can check out for free. You might want to visit a local park and enjoy a family picnic or plan a fun softball game. Check your city paper and find out what activities are going on. You may be amazed by what there is to do. When you can do something at no cost, you are practicing the techniques of frugality to the maximum degree.

One crucial thing you need to do for frugality is decrease waste. We are all guilty of squandering money during some time in our lives. The techniques of frugality involves determining where the waste is coming from and fixing it. You should know what the sum of your bills are and then go through them one by one. You can discover in which areas you can lower costs by reducing services or eliminating them. Here are some examples of frugality: instead of paying a gym membership, work out at home; reduce your Cable TV channels; look for better deals on internet service, phone, insurance, etc. In addition to those ideas, you can also reduce the waste of energy. Do your best to no longer waste water and electricity by paying attention to the details. Always turn off electrical items when you aren’t using them. Use power saving appliances when available. Repair leaky faucets and take shorter showers.

Another thing to consider is if you have trouble surviving on your current earnings, you may require an adjustment to your living standards. As a child, I learned that we work towards a high living standard. As you gain experience and higher pay, your living standard improves. Nowadays, it appears lots of people have learned you must have a very high standard of living immediately after you graduate. That’s how people get into debt, because they have to have everything right away. You should reduce your living standard to something you can live with. Then reward yourself with a better standard as you begin earning enough to afford it.

In the above paragraphs, I provided some general ideas that you should follow to live a less extravagant lifestyle of frugality. If you’d like some specific tips on maintaining a your budget, you might want to visit my site where you will study the techniques of frugality.

If you want to save money on hotels, be sure to read my article on Cheap hotels. Come and visit the site and learn more about frugality and other helpful tips.

by: Quality Reviews

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Watch this video for more tips on frugality:

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