Frugal Living – 6 Essential Tips…


thrifty and frugal-home information

Learning frugal life skills can make your life happier and easier

So you want to become an embodiment of frugal living? You want to save cash, free yourself from the constraints of the evil green and consume less, ultimately making the world a better place?
Well that’s fantastic and I applaud you for joining us frugalists. So next step I guess is where can you start… Here are six killer tips to get your new frugal living lifestyle off the ground.

Frugal Tip #1; Turn off all lights and unplug all appliances when not in use. You may be amazed at how much cash this will start to save. Even plugged in appliances use a little electricity…. This does not mean you can unplug the fridge when you are not taking food out of it?

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Frugal Tip #2; Cook in large batches and freeze them in portions to be reheated. Cooking this way saves cash as you can buy bulk items, it saves you time and can ensure you don’t splurge and eat out too often. There is a whole movement that follows these ideas and often cooks for a whole month in one go.

Frugal Tip #3; Start growing some of your own food. Start with herbs. Basil and mint grow really well by a window with some sunlight. Then move onto some veggies, maybe starting with tomatoes one of the mainstays of my frugal diet! Before you know it half of your home food consumption will be coming from what you grow. Even if you live in an apartment you can grow a substantial amount of food in window boxes or on a balcony.

Frugal Tip #3; Eat less! I know this sounds like a stupid thing to say but work it out. How much extra do you eat than you need to? Why eat 2 full turkey sandwiches when one and an apple will be fine. Often we eat because the food is there but smaller quantities will not curb enjoyment and will save money…. oh and maybe a few pounds in the long run too!

Frugal Tip #5; Walk, Walk, Walk. Save a few dollars and skip the car / bus / train / metro or tram. Even if you need to go 5 miles, go for it. Work out some other things you can do on the way like going to the post office, picking up some shopping or popping by an old friends house. You will save cash, feel more relaxed and become more efficient. If you need to go further then jump on your bike. A mid priced bike or a good second hand deal can pay for itself in no time at all. Just be safe and wear a helmet!

Organize nights in instead of hitting the bars. Pot lucks, poker nights, football nights in any excuse to have your friends round for some wine and beer on the weekend. Your house will become a fun place to be and you will save a lot of cash in expensive drinks.

These are just a few ideas but there are hundreds, if not thousands of things you can do to cut back on money spending and consumption.

Tons more tips, ideas and advice can be found on my Frugal Living blog including Once A Month Cooking Recipes, ideas for saving more money and much much more…

by: John Forest

Help Out Home Information Guru by Following Us On: FaceBook, Twitter, & Pintrest

Watch this video for more frugal tips:

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