Master Bedroom Finishing Touches


home information-corliss projectsMaster Bedroom Finishing Touches

We have been working on the master bedroom now on and off for a few months. We knew we had to get rest of the small projects finished in our master bedroom makeover project. With in the next few weeks we will start to get much to busy on outdoor projects and we don’t want to leave the bedroom in limbo until next fall.

These are all of the finishing touches that we completed this weekend.

First, a simple project was to repaint the attic door entrance. As you can see below, when we first painted the room last year for some reason we did not think about the fact that leaving the door white would make it stick out like a sour thumb.

Here is the before and after so you can see what we mean:

home and garden makeover-master bedroom     home and garden makeover-master bedroom

As you can see just a little paint and the door just disappears.

We then had to tackle re-painting the 1 dark brown wall where the bed us to sit against the window. It was just way to dark in the bedroom with this wall color. So we got out trusty paint supplies out and repainted the wall the same yellow color as rest of the room. This dramatically lightened up the total room and gave it a much more peaceful feel.

Here is the before and after:

home improvement ideas-bedroom

Here is the before and after:

Next, we needed to paint the (2) closet doors gloss black to match rest of the doors in the house that we refinished last fall. Black is really becoming a hot color to use in decorating.

You can see the article about us re-finishing rest of our doors here: Interior Door Transformation

Here are pictures of the bedroom closet doors before and after:



You can see how much richer the black looks on the doors. Also we painted the pull knobs a silver finish to match rest of the nickel finish through out the house.

Now we got to the last set of build-in dressers that are still in the room. We wanted to keep this set of dressers for additional storage but we hated the color. We had though about re-finishing the faces of the drawers with either a contact paper or wall paper but in the end we just painted them black with silver knobs to match rest of the doors also.

Here are the results of re-painting the dresser draw fronts:


Lastly, we wanted to add a little zip of color by the bed to break-up all of the earth tones so we decided to repaint our side table lamps a dark red color. This color is in the window topper curtains so we thought it would go well. This worked beautifully to add just a splash of color. Also we picked up these 2 little butterfly pictures on clearance at Joann Fabrics for $3 each. We love a good deal!

Here is what the bed area looks like:

We still have just a couple of things to completely finish this space. We need to get a large peace of art to hang art to hag on the wall above the stair and a few smaller pieces for the wall by the larger windows. Also we will be building a jewelry storage cabinet that we will feature in a future article.

You can check out all of the other Corliss Home Projects by clicking Here: Corliss Home Projects

home improvement ideas-home renovationsby: Tom Corliss – webmaster @ Home Information

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