Cheap Paint Tools Are A Waste Of Your Money


painting & wall coverings-home informationCheap paint tools are a waste of your money

When it comes time to paint, so many people will head to their local big box hardware store and fill up on supplies. As far as paint, most products sold today are of much better quality then in the recent past therefore you are already getting descent quality paint. Next step the paint tools & accessories. This is where so many people get cheap. They will buy the $2 brush and the 3 pack of roller covers for $3. This is a big mistake. The tools you use to paint with are not supposed to be disposable. Good quality brushes and roller covers will last many years if properly cleaned and stored.

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I have painted for many years professionally and I spend very little on these paint tools & supplies. I do not buy cheap paint tools. I will spend $10 on a roller cover and be able to get 50 to 75 paint jobs with this roller cover. I still use the same paintbrushes from 5 years ago and they perform as if they were new.

Stop wasting your money by buying cheap paint tools. Good quality painting tools are not that expensive, they will give you a much better paint job and they also clean up very nicely with just a little soap and water in most cases. How to properly clean painting products is a whole different article that can be found on this blog. High quality roller covers and brushes will deliver more paint to the surface and smooth the paint in a manner that gives you a much better finished result. I highly recommend the following product lines of brushes and roller cover. I have used them for years with great results. I have spend less then $100 total on paint brushes and roller cover to complete well over 150 paint jobs and counting.

Here are some of my favorite brands of paint brushes:

Here are some of my favorite brands of paint roller covers:

Buy better products, tools, and supplies to get a better finished  job & easy clean up. Do not waste your money on cheap tools. Buy quality now and save money in the long run.

By: Tom Corliss

tom bio box 2015

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Cheap Paint Tools Are A Waste Of Your Money — 1 Comment

  1. At Angeo, we use only Corona brushes, nylon and chinex. Thicker, smoother and really lay the paint on nice. Reasonably priced at the

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