Michelle and I were able to get some projects completed over the holidays because we celebrated with our families earlier in the month of December. Michelle’s lucky parents go to Florida for 3 months every year right after Christmas so it is much easier to celebrate earlier.
While we had a few days to our selves and it being snowy and cold outside we decided to do a switch-a-roe on our master bedroom closets. Both of the closets in our bedroom are already small. I don’t really remember why but when we moved in a few years ago I took the bigger closet.
Fortunately I just helped a client friend re-do their full size walk-in closet and they did not want any of the old white wire shelving that came out. (Thanks Sagar and Rebecca!)
We went through a few different scenarios of how best to increase the hanging ability and storage capacity of both closets. This is what we came up with. The only supplies that we had to purchase were wall mounting clips for the shelving and a couple of end brackets. We only spent about $10 total to re-vamp both closets.
Here is what we came up with. First, I will show you Michelle’s Tiny 3 ft. x 4 ft, barely walk-in, closet before we made any changes. As you can see, in these first few pictures, the complete storage and hanging was one (1) 4 ft shelve and a couple of hooks on the wall. I am surprised that she put up with this for over a year now.

Michelle’s (old) Tiny Closet with very little storage
This smaller closet became mine so all I really needed was a little more room for hanging pants. Our solution for this was to move the current 4 ft shelve down to a height of 40” from the floor. This shelve became the main hanging area, which I use for shirts and light jackets. Now I had a small area 36 inches above this shelve to install a 30 inch long hanging shelve for pants. I was even able to install a short 16 inch long mini shelve for additional folded clothes. All of my clothes fit great and it is nicely organized.

Tom’s new closet that fits all my clothes with no problem
Because we re-used the old main shelve and only added 2 very short new shelves the total cost for this closet revamp was only $3 for clips and one shelve bracket.
In these next set of pictures you can see our old small walk-in closet. This closet is 4 ft by 7 ft with a slopped ceiling, one issue about living in a Bungalow. It only had one (1) 70 inch hanging rod for everything. This was fine while I used the closet but was not going to cut it for Michelle.
How we solved the storage in this closet was as follows. First, I removed the old hanging rod. I had to do a little patching and painting on the ceiling, but we already had this supplies left over from the bedroom from when we moved in. We decided to install a total wrap around hanging shelve at 52 inches off the ground. This height was good for all pant, shirts, blouses, skirts, and shorter dresses. It also increased the hanging space from 70 inches to 96 inches. Next, we added a 60 inch l shaped upper shelve for folded clothes. Because this closet did not currently have any shelve space this 60 inches along with 130inches on top of the lower shelve, the overall shelve space is not a whopping 15 liner ft of space. To say the least, Michelle was very happy to get the larger closet and all of the additional storage space. As you can see in these updated lower photos she has not YET filled the space. The total cost of this closet re-vamp was right around $8 for clips and a few shelve end brackets.
Here is Michelle’s new closet after the shelves were installed.
Not to bad for a few couple of days and only a few short hours of work. Now it is time to get ready to faux pain the wall behind our bed. Hope you enjoyed our little closet re-vamp tutorial.
Again thanks to our friends Sagar and Rebecca for the great donation of your old closet accessories. It is friends and clients like these that help us to save a lot of money completing our own DIY projects.
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BY: Tom Corliss
Tom Corliss is a web publisher, internet marketer, and website developer, with 3 current websites, Home Information Guru.com, Home Selling Resources.com, and Simple-Food-Solutions.com. He also runs a home improvement company Corliss Property Enhancements.