Save water for your garden by using a rain water tank
Installing a rain water tank is not as problematic as others believe. In fact, it might be as simple as placing the tank on the ground and waiting for the rain. Of course, if the homeowner intends to connect the rain water tank to household appliances, it would take more work to get this accomplished. That being said, the following are some tips on how to get started with the installation of your very own rain water tank.
Decide on the Size
First off, think about the size of the rain water tank. This is important since most tanks can be incredibly big, taking up a large amount of space. However, the size of the tank doesn’t just depend on the space but also on the amount of rain water that homeowners could expect. For those who reside in areas where rain happens often , it might be a good idea to purchase a large rain water tank, especially if the location permits it.
Decide on the Location
There are several ways in which tanks can be installed. The first is by placing it on the ground as in concrete tanks or by placing it high up in the air. Either way, homeowners would need to make sure that the rain water tank is placed in an area where they will get uninterrupted water flow. Some homeowners make sure that the tank falls directly below the gutter to facilitate the faster collection of water .
Create the Stand
The rain water tank should be placed on a sturdy stand, something that could hold the tank even if it filled with water. Stands are usually made from metal and should be just right to fit the size of the tank .
Connect Necessary Items
Now, there are several ways of using the contents of rain water tanks. Some homeowner simply attaches a hose to the tap of the tank, allowing them to water plants in their garden. However, some people would like to do more than that, usually connecting their toilet or their washing machine with the tank. This can also be done, but a pump would be necessary to initiate water flow. For cases like this, it is best to call local plumbers or professionals to work on the problem.
Of course, these aren’t the only things to consider when installing water tanks in the home. A basic rain water tank does not really necessitate the use of various items to make it functional. However, a more complicated system would need a more complicated method of installation.
With the use of a water tank, homeowners would find themselves getting access to free water. Considering the cost of utilities nowadays, this is really a good thing. A water tank could literally slash off hundreds in the water bill; depending on how often rain happens in the specific area. In fact, some people regard rainwater tanks as the water equivalent of solar power in the sense that it is actually better for the environment .
Although not providing potable water, rainwater is perfect for various needs. As already mentioned above, the water can be used for the garden, for flushing the toilet or for washing cars .
Watch this video for more information about a rain water tank:
How to Install a Rain Water Tank — 1 Comment
Thanks for saying that the rainwater tank should be on a sturdy stand. If I was going to get a tank for rainwater I would want to know that it is in good condition. I’ll need to ask a professional for assistance when I am trying to learn about different things that I would be able to do to keep it in good condition.
Thanks for saying that the rainwater tank should be on a sturdy stand. If I was going to get a tank for rainwater I would want to know that it is in good condition. I’ll need to ask a professional for assistance when I am trying to learn about different things that I would be able to do to keep it in good condition.