Increase your home safety plan with a fire escape ladder
When the smoke alarm goes off, every second is a life and death matter for you and your family. Many people are killed every year when they become trapped in their house due to a fire. Fires can start in your home for a variety of reasons. However, all fires have one thing in common: they spread quickly. Within just thirty seconds a fire can double in size. Therefore, if you have a two story home you can quickly lose your only means of escape down the stairs. This is why it is important for all two story and taller buildings to have a quick escape route.
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The simple answer to this problem is the fire escape ladder.
Having a fire escape ladder in your home can save your life and that of your loved ones. Fire escape ladders were created when safety experts realized the need for a product to help people quickly and safely exit from upper floor windows in the case of a fire. Conventional ladders will not work since they are too bulky and difficult to maneuver quickly in the event of an emergency. This is why the specially designed fire escape ladder was created. These unique ladders were created to address issues specifically related to fire safety.
The fire escape ladder should be added to any home safety kit. Even if you have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers you need to have an escape route should you lose control. Fire escape ladders do not have to be expensive. Just find one that is sturdy and durable, but economical as well. One of the best options is the fixed structure ladders since you will not have to look for them in the event of an emergency. You just climb out your window to safety. However, with so many fire safety ladder options to choose from how do you know which is best? Consider the following types of fire safety ladders when it comes to choosing the best one for your needs.
Types of Fire Safety Ladders
There are two main types of fire escape ladders that you will have to choose from: the permanent and the portable fire escape ladder. A permanent fire escape ladder is one that is attached to your upper floor windows permanently. This means you will not have to worry about misplacing them. The permanent fire escape ladder automatically drops to the ground when you push a release mechanism. These sturdy and quick ladders are good if you do not have time to grab a portable ladder and deploy it. They are also easier for a child to use. However, they are more expensive than the portable fire escape ladder.
Portable fire escape ladders will vary in length between two to six stories depending on whether you have a two story house or live in an apartment complex. Most of these ladders are made out of either metal or plastic so they can be lightweight and easy to carry. Portable fire escape ladder are constructed in a way that allows them to support up to a thousand pounds of weight so more than one person can escape from the building at a time. For those who need a ladder they can store the portable fire escape ladder is the best option.
by: Robert Thomson
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