Tulip flowers bring beauty to your yard year after year
Spring blossoming plant bulbs flower at a time whenever other flowering plants are blossoming. Tulips could usually be noticed poking their new buds through the frost, and they’re typically seen blossoming in a late-season snowfall. For such early spring beauties to flower at their appropriate season, tulip corms need to sowed at the appropriate time of the year. Corms of tulip sowed at any other time would not reliably blossom. Many would deteriorate in the soil and never yield a single flower.
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Sow In The Appropriate Season
In order for flowering tulips to blossom during spring, their normal blooming season, tulip plant bulbs should be planted the previous fall. Sow them in autumn, when the corms begin to become available in garden stores.
Tulips need a “chilling” period of twelve to sixteen weeks, in order for its bulb to trigger its “blossoming” by developing the miniature flower bud contained by the bulb. Sow tulips from early autumn right up until the soil freezes during early winter.
Pick An Area In Full Sunlight
Tulips require full sun for them to bloom. Position one’s tulip plant bulbs so that they would receive full sunlight in their bloom season. Several varieties of tulips blossom before deciduous vegetation have leafed out. This becomes possible to effectively grow tulips under shade trees, where there wouldn’t be enough sunlight in other parts of the budding season.
The most ideal tulip assortments to plant under deciduous vegetation are those which blossom during early to middle of spring. Late-flowering tulips aren’t suitable for growing beneath deciduous trees, as they usually blossom after the trees have started to leaf out. Inter-plant the late-blooming tulips amongst perennials. The tulips would give early color in the perennial periphery & the emerging shrubbery of the perennials would camouflage the fading plants of the tulip corms. It’s essential to allow the tulip plants to wither naturally in order for it to blossom the flowering year.
Sow In Fertile Ground
Improve the loam in the area where one is planting his tulips. Loosen dirt by ploughing down around eight to ten inches using a garden spade. Add one inch of peat moss & one inch of fertilizer to the soil surface & turn it under to assimilate such amendments into the budding plant bed. Apply five tablespoons of 10-10-10 compost and two cups of bone meal one every ten square feet of the budding bed. Grate it into the loam using a garden claw. Repeat this procedure when the new stems of the tulip corms emerge from the soil the following spring.
Right Planting Procedure
Tulips appear best sowed in groups of 3 to 5. Space such clumps about twenty-four inches apart, and space each individual bud about six to eight inches apart within the cluster. Sow tulips so that the bulb bottom is roughly eight inches beneath the soil surface. A nice rule to keep in mind is to sow tulip plant bulbs at a depth that’s equivalent to twice their diameter.
Place the plant bulbs so that the tipped end is up, cover with dirt and firm the dirt gently; pressing down too firmly could damage the budding tulip bulb tip. Water the growing bed thoroughly after sowing. Don’t give it any supplemental liquid until the stems emerge during spring, & then only if rain is sparse.
By: Samantha Frost
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