Six Elements to Every Home Project


home remodeling & renovations-home informationEvery home project needs pre-planning for expected success

Every project in the home has six elements to consider when it comes to moving forward with a project.  Since we know that all projects are not equal in size or scope, the most important elements are probably different depending on what the project is.  Here are the six elements to consider for your projects.

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  1. The Design:  This is where you define what the project is going to look like once it is done.  This could be a series of sketches, a set of formal blueprints, or even just detailed pictures to use as your guide.  The bigger the project, the more important the design element is.
  2. Product Selection:  This is where you choose specific products, with specific features, and specific brands.  Homeowners typically research lots of different product and brand choices prior to making a preferred selection.
  3. Labor Skills to Install:  Depending on the size and type of project, it is important to determine the labor skills required to install all the products contained in the project.  This is usually either a Do-It-Yourself, or hire contractor to Do-It-For-Me.
  4. Budget:  Identifying what the potential costs are for the design, the product selections, and the labor costs are very important.  Trade-offs are often required between what products you want, and what products you can afford.
  5. Time:  This also varies widely between different kinds of projects, but knowing what time of year to execute on a project and how long will it take to finish the project from start to finish is important.
  6. Quality:  This is an assessment both before and after a project on whether the project works.  This is a combination of the 5 other elements on how well they all came together.  Does the finished project meet the original design or goals?

Not all projects in the home will have the same level of detail with these six elements.  As an example, replacing the flooring in a bedroom takes on a different level than doing a complete kitchen remodel.  But both projects still have all six elements associated with them just a varying levels of detail.

By: Elizabeth Dodson co-founder of This is a guest post article submitted only for our use. Please do not copy.

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