Landscape Maintenance: Prepping For Fall


general landscaping-home information

No one likes to think about the end of summer but all things come to an end but it happening rather fast. It is time to start to think about fall preparations especially in regards to our landscape maintenance needs. Without the kids needing attention every five minutes I should be able to attend to the much needed yard work to be done.

I really like doing the fall prep. Getting ready for the end of the spring season brings me into my favorite time of year. I am able to prepare the landscape for the coming year and next growing season. It is the time of year when you can step back look at all the effort that was put into the gardens and lawn and proceed with getting in ready for winter and the following spring season.

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Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fall

I always take this time to look into deals that home improvement and garden stores are having on their perennials. Fall is a perfect time to put these discounted assortments into the landscape. Prepare them by adding fresh soil and fertilizer. This should make them ripe and ready to bloom in full next spring.

I divide and conquer on the fall also. All the perennials that have grown too big for the space allotted for them get divided and transplanted elsewhere within the landscape. Maybe a new garden is created or a friend is blessed with my extras. The weather is perfect to make these changes in plant placement.

Potted plants are disposed of in the composter unless they are perennials. In that case I take the pot and place it plant and all in burlap for hibernation. The plants survive wonderfully outside as long as they are protected from the burn of winds and snow.

Pruning is best done in the fall. The trees will be perfect shape for the spring season. The rake will already be out taking care of the leaves so the effort to clean up the hedge trimmings will be minimal.

In regards to leaves it is best to rake the lawn and apply thin manure to the top layer of soil. This will penetrate throughout the fall and winter seasons leaving you with a lush full lawn in the spring. You can use the leafs that you rake up as mulch for gardens. People have told me that they have used leaves to fertilize lily of the valley only to have it come back in the spring doubled in population. Leaves also help protect the root systems of perennials making them less susceptible to the harsh winter weather.

If you take time in the fall for landscape maintenance spring will send you a lush lawn with full blooming perennials and gardens ready for annuals. If you find your fall overwhelmingly busy with work, kids in school, soccer starting and all the joys of fall you might find a good deal through local landscape maintenance professionals. Landscape professionals are available for any job big or small and will help you with all your fall landscape maintenance needs.

If you have enjoyed this article from Kevin Germain at CPS please visit our website today at you will find useful information on landscape maintenance.

by: Kevin Germain

Watch this video about fall landscape maintenance:

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