About tom

Hello, I am Thomas Corliss, I operate a handyman service specializing in helping people transition in and out of there homes. I started a blog to share my experiences with people and help them with all of there home needs. Please visit my blog and subscribe so you can keep up on any new articles. Visit often to keep up to date. www.homeinformationguru.com

Suggestions for Backyard Birthday Parties for Kids


The following suggestions will make kid’s backyard birthday parties very special. There are lots of birthday party themes that lend themselves to backyard parties.  Some of the best are a circus, a camp-out and a stargazing party. Furthermore, choose an … Continue reading


How to Install a Stone, Paver or Brick Garden Path or Patio


Pavers, brick, and stone can be dry-laid over a bed of sand by a homeowner without difficulty. The installation process is fairly simple and is forgiving. In areas where no frost heave occurs, you can lay large stones directly over … Continue reading


How To Kill Lawn Fungus


Lawn fungus, in addition to being an eyesore next to your home, destroys grass. Typically it shows up as brown splotches on your lawn. Unfortunately, once it takes root, it spreads pretty fast. Furthermore, once established, it can be hard … Continue reading

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