Money saving habits need to be taught early for life long financial success Many millionaires and billionaires are teaching their own kids how to save money as early as their children are five years old. These big time personalities know … Continue reading
Sanitize your home after a sickness to avoid passing on germs There is a new trend in many hospitals nowadays. Today, hospitals worldwide are going gaga over robotic devices, which blast the hardiest microbes and pathogens to kingdom come. Over … Continue reading
Home staging can make the difference for a quick home sale! When preparing your home for selling, the major rooms of the house are usually considered first, the kitchen, master bedroom and living areas. Often times the bathroom is forgotten, … Continue reading
Frugality is not just a way from the long ago past! Enjoying a comfortable life today can be extremely hard, especially when you make your home in the United States. It seems like you must have a six figure income … Continue reading
Backyard Trellis Art Project This past weekend while I was sitting on our backyard swing, I was looking at the trellises that I had made last summer out of some scrape cedar boards. I was thinking about how to add … Continue reading
Magnet and chalk paint are a great trendy way to organize and decorate with fun and flair There is nothing in interior decorating as room freshening and affordable as a new coat of paint. But with all the emphasis being … Continue reading
Annual flowers add color and make a great finishing touch to any garden Flowers are one of natures heralds of the seasons. The various flowers that bloom in the different seasons can inform us what season we are in. For … Continue reading
Most of us could probably do with a bit of a spring cleaning in our home. There comes a time when someone really could do with accepting that a pretty severe clean out is in order. Things just seem to … Continue reading
Poisons are a great threat at home for young unattended kids Although pesticides and other home based poisons can be beneficial to society, they can be dangerous if used carelessly or if they are not stored properly and out of … Continue reading
Planters filled with flowers or plants can help finish any space indoors or out Spring is just around the corner and with the nicer weather comes the urge to get out of doors and enjoy the warm weather. Your patio … Continue reading
Learning frugal life skills can make your life happier and easier So you want to become an embodiment of frugal living? You want to save cash, free yourself from the constraints of the evil green and consume less, ultimately making … Continue reading